..thus came the Manav Jeevan Seva Trust
simple, func on-
al, no-nonsense
structure in
Ghatkopar, that
houses a heart
for the poor and
the needy. The
Manav Jeevan
Seva Trust
became the focal
point for the collec on of funds and old clothes for the poor of the slums and also for the poor residing in the villages of the suburbs of Mumbai!
Founded by Mrs Meena Devji Jadhav, and her husband who drives a rickshaw, the clothes and dona ons are collected by dozens of volunteers of the trust, and then brought to this shanty o ce, where the clothes are segregated and cleaned and then distributed to
the needy.
In the same way, the funds col-lected are used to buy essen al goods, ra ons and other food stu s for the same poor.
The rickshaw driver with hawk like eyes has iden fied the poor and make hundreds of trips to help get their donated goods across to help these needy peo-ple. Truly, some drivers lookout for more than just passengers as this Trust proves to us!
….projects in Mumbai..
The city of Mumbai is a giving city, is what the trustees found out. People are willing to give old clothes, dona ons, and most anything for a good cause. And teams of volun-teers move through the city picking up what the city needs no more!
But what moves the heart is the plight of children suffering from the dreaded cancer! Outside most major hospitals, especially the Tata Memorial Hospital in Parel, the children wait on the pavement for their turn for treat-ment which could take months, quite o'en financially ruining families. The Trust steps in and financially helps them!
Feeding children! What a joy to see a child well fed! Why should children go to bed hungry? These thoughts ran-kled in the minds of the trustees, and today, with the help of donors, slum children line up, to get a taste of good wholesome food, which they see you and me gobble down.
Simple meals, large joy, is what is seen, is what is derived!
...projects in rural areas..
But it was not just the city that moved the heart of the trustees. Just outside the city walls, adivasis, tribals and villagers live in deep poverty.
Tempo loads of the old clothes now cleaned and neatly
folded and packed are taken to these places and distributed to the poor.
Food is also distributed and the villagers are also taught hygiene and cleanliness, and their health and happiness sees a great improvement. All through the efforts of the Manav Jeevan Seva Trust !
...But many thousands more